

The unit type is a type that indicates the absence of a specific value. The Unit type has only a single value, which acts as a placeholder when no other value exists or is needed.

The unit type resembles the void type in languages such as C# and C++. The value of the unit type is often used to hold the place where a value is required by the language syntax, but when no value is needed or desired, like in casts from action to functions that needs to return a value.

The concept behind this type can be find in the section: Fundamentals > From void to Unit.


You can create a Unit value normally like any struct.

Unit unit = new Unit();

This struct have no properties or methods besides the shared operations presents in all structures: Equals, GetHashCode, GetType e ToString.

Casts between Action and Func

Some high order functions needs a Func delegate in its parameters, it's is possible to create this delegate from an Action function by using ToFunction.

Originally an Action delegate doesn't returns anything, because it has a void type as returns. At this point, Tango uses the Unit type to create a new function that doesn't return anything and can be represented by Func delegate as well.

The fundamentals about Func and Action can be find in Fundamentals > Function and Action section.

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