
Converts the Either<TLeft, TRight> to a Tuple<T1,T2> where T1 and T2 are Option<TLeft> and Option<TRight> respectively.



Either<TLeft, TRight> either

(Option<TLeft> Left, Option<TRight> Right)


This method is usually used to get the two possible values of an Either type simultaneously.

When Either IsLeft

Either<string, int> either = "Hello";
(Option<string> Left, Option<int> Right) tupleResult =

//tupleResult.Left.IsSome = true
//tupleResult.Left.Some = "Hello"

//tupleResult.Right.IsSome = false
//tupleResult.Right.IsNone = true

One sided approach

You can also use the ToOptionLeft and ToOptionRight to produce the same results, but with these methods you will be able to get just to one of the possible values.

ToOptionLeft when Either IsLeft

Either<string, int> either = "Hello";
Option<string> leftResult = either.ToOptionLeft();

//leftResult.IsSome = true
//leftResult.Some = "Hello"

ToOptionRight when Either IsLeft

Either<string, int> either = "Hello";
Option<int> rightResult = either.ToOptionRight();
//rightResult.IsSome = false
//rightResult.IsNone = true

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