
Compares two collections using the given comparison function, element by element.

Returns the first non-zero result from the comparison function.


This function causes IEnumerable<T> evaluation.



Func<T, T, int > comparer

IEnumerable<T> source1

IEnumerable<T> source2



The comparer function must receive an element of each collection and returns an integer value related to this comparison.

This function was inspired by compareWith function available at F# List module.

Comparing two different collections

//IEnumerable<int> source = { 1, 2, 4 }
//IEnumerable<int> source2 = { 1, 2, 3 }

int result = source.CompareWith(source2,
      (element1, element2) => element1 > element2 ? 1
                            : element1 < element2 ? -1
                            : 0 );

// result = 1

Comparing two different collections and getting the difference

//IEnumerable<int> source = { 1, 42, 3 }
//IEnumerable<int> source2 = { 1, 2, 3 }

int result = source.CompareWith(source2,
      (element1, element2) => element1 - element2);

// result = 42

It is important to notice that, the result is 42 because the first subtraction returns 0.

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