
Returns a collection that contains no duplicate entries according to comparer and hashCodeGetter functions.

If an element occurs multiple times in the collection then the later occurrences are discarded.

Internally this method uses a EqualityComparerBuilder<T> object.



Func<T, T, bool> comparer

Func<T, int> hashCodeGetter

IEnumerable<T> source



Discarding duplicate entries

class Product {
    int Id {get; set;}
    string Name {get; set;}
    double Price {get; set;}

// products:
// |    Id    |    Name    |    Price    |
// |    1     |  Notebook  |     800     |
// |    2     |    Mouse   |      20     |
// |    3     |   Wallet   |      40     |
// |    4     |    Book    |      10     |
// |    5     | Smartphone |     400     |
// |    1     |  Notebook  |     800     |
// |    1     |  Notebook  |     800     |
// |    4     |    Book    |      10     |

IEnumerable<Product> result = products.Distinct(
    (product1, product2) => product1.Id == product2 == Id,
     product => product.Id.GetHashCode()

// result:
// |    Id    |    Name    |    Price    |
// |    1     |  Notebook  |     800     |
// |    2     |    Mouse   |      20     |
// |    3     |   Wallet   |      40     |
// |    4     |    Book    |      10     |
// |    5     | Smartphone |     400     |

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