Chainable operations in a Continuation flow

The use of chained operations in C# is nothing new, we uses this feature in several different libraries.

Any method that returns an instance of itself is a fluent method, then, is capable of creates continuous process. Once again we can see this type of implementation in the System.Linq namespace. With this namespace you can perform a filtering and a transformation through the methods Where and Select in a chainable operation, see an example:

IEnumerable<int> values = Enumerable.Range(0,10)
values.Where(value => value % 2 == 0)
      .Select(value => value * value);

As the previous example shows, it is possible to make several consecutive calls on a single command line. This is what we call a continuous or fluent process.

The Tango implements this feature in several types and modules, like Option, Either and even IEnumerable.

In addition, there's a special object called Continuation. This object is used mainly to this type of fluent process, but dealing with a success and a fail outputs.

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